In manufacturing industries, transporting and receiving raw materials, goods, and liquid substances is a routine task. These transfers can occur between tanks, tankers, pipelines, producers to pipelines, producers to ships, or wherever needed. With our teams of experts engineers and surveyors, we ensure the accurate transportation of any raw material, liquid, fuel, or physical substance between tanks, tankers, ships, or other segments requires a reliable system for precise measurement. We ensures impartiality and accuracy in the measurement and documentation of the transferred fluids This is where custody transfer, or custody transfer measurement, becomes invaluable. In the oil and liquid industry, custody transfer involves the exchange of liquid between two parties. It’s also referred to as fiscal metering, a term used for transactions where fluids are exchanged or transferred between companies. The transfer can take place through various means, such as ships, tanks, or tankers. Whenever fluids are transmitted from one location to another, custody transfer occurs. We also entails accurate fluid measurement before and after the transfer using flowmeter devices.